This jammer extraordinaire came to LVRG recently as a
transfer from Susquehanna and hasn’t stopped improving since she got here. As one of LVRG’s WFTDA Charter skaters, Toxic
has proven to be a force on the track that is here to stay.
A role model herself, we asked Toxic who her role models are
in roller derby. She stated “Bonnie Thunders; she can move through a pack like
nothing I have ever seen before. And she can jump the apex so high and get so
far. Her skating style is beautiful! Also, Suzy Hotrod. Everything about her.
She can jam, she can block, is there anything she can't do? And lastly, Juke
Boxx. She was one of the first skaters that stood out to me. She can do some of
the most amazing tricks and skate in ways that don't look natural at all but
can get her to where she needs to be in a jam.”
Toxic has been playing roller derby for a few seasons, and
when asked about her proudest derby moment, this is how she replied. “Playing
my first bout with LVRG and being MVP. That was an exciting moment. Or one of
the first scrimmages I ever went to at Gotham when I was maybe 4 months into
derby and being noticed and being told that I am short and skate awkwardly. It
was more of a funny moment but I got noticed by a more famous derby girl and to
me while being that new was a pretty big moment!”
Toxic is one of those “never say quit” skaters that is
always pushing herself to do better. She
states as some of her personal goals:to not only become a much better jammer
and blocker, but she aspires to one day make it on Team USA.
She does freelance photography
She collects rubber ducks and license plates
She loves Disney movies and musicals
She loves to sing and do karaoke
She loves animals, dogs especially
Looking ahead to see Toxic Shock skate, LVRG’s Special Vixens Unit will be traveling to New York to play Ithaca League of Women Rollers on August 10th.
Find us online at: http://www.lehighvalleyrollergirls.com
All functions will be held at the Independence Family Fun Center, 4345 Independence Dr, Schnecksville, PA.
A big thank you to all of the volunteers, officials, friends, and family that make our team the best in the Lehigh Valley. This is as much your team as it is ours. Thank you.
Looking ahead to see Toxic Shock skate, LVRG’s Special Vixens Unit will be traveling to New York to play Ithaca League of Women Rollers on August 10th.
Find us online at: http://www.lehighvalleyrollergirls.com
All functions will be held at the Independence Family Fun Center, 4345 Independence Dr, Schnecksville, PA.
For more information about becoming a skater or
official, contact us at join@lehighvalleyrollergirls.com
A big thank you to all of the volunteers, officials, friends, and family that make our team the best in the Lehigh Valley. This is as much your team as it is ours. Thank you.